Pandemic Whiplash


Pandemic “whiplash” takes a toll on us mentally.  The return of mask mandates and concerns about the virility of the COVID variants have us worried again, providing stressors at a time when we thought the pandemic would be long over. 

Along with fears about physical health come concerns about mental health. And in many ways, those concerns are more intense than before. Not long ago, it appeared that we were moving past the pandemic and heading toward normalcy, but the increase in COVID infections can lead to a sense of resignation. 

We are wired, hyper-vigilant and tired. We need to give ourselves a little latitude and grace as we navigate these complex times. Loneliness, anxiety, and anger may be swirling all around you right now. But that does not make you powerless to boost your mental health. These suggestions may help: 

  • Trust your gut. If your community is reopening faster than feels comfortable to you, do whatever makes your family feel safe. 

  • Stop judging yourself.  Feel any emotion that comes, then let it go and try to find ways to feel connected to other people. 

  • Practice self-care. Eating healthy foods, exercising and getting a good night’s sleep can all contribute to a more positive outlook. 

  • Try to ease anxiety. Meditation, calming self-talk and soothing music can all lift your spirits. Even squeezing a stress ball can give you a tangible sense of relief. 

  • Remember you are not alone.  Reach out to people you have been close to in the past. It is easier to reach out to those you already know than try to meet new people.  

  • Stay in the present. Instead of stressing over what has already happened or worrying about what might still come, just think about today

 Here are today’s Wellness Wednesday Program reading resources:


Coping with Pandemic Whiplash


Being Resilient