Founded in 1907, GLAC includes eight neighborhood libraries including the Brand Library & Art Center, a regional visual arts and music library, galleries, and performance venue housed in the historic 1904 mansion of Glendale pioneer Leslie Brand; and the Central Library, a 93,000 square foot center of community where individuals convene, collaborate, and create. In addition to the galleries at Brand, GLAC also hosts the ReflectSpace Gallery at Central Library. As a member of the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience, ReflectSpace is an exhibition space designed to explore and reflect on genocides, and human and civil rights violations
GLAC also serves as the chief liaison to the Glendale Arts and Culture Commission, which works to continually transform Glendale into an ever-evolving arts destination. Because of this activity, GLAC manages the Urban Art Program and Fund, including citywide public art initiatives and arts programming. Through this work, GLAC seeks to promote a diverse and stimulating cultural environment to enrich the quality of life for residents and visitors.
Arts and Culture Commission Website
The mission of the Arts and Culture Commission is to enrich the human experience, reinforce Glendale’s identity and civic pride through arts and culture, and to recognize the importance of arts to our quality of life and to the local economy. This is accomplished by consciously integrating arts and culture into the daily life of the people of Glendale through urban design, planning, economic development, and education.
The City of Glendale purchases and contracts for a wide variety of supplies, services, equipment, and expert assistance to provide our community a full range of municipal services and programs/
This plan provides a roadmap for ongoing development and implementation of efforts related to inclusion, diversity, equality, and anti-racism for the City of Glendale Library, Arts and Culture Department and Arts and Culture Commission.
Want to know more about Glendale’s history? Need help with a local history research question? The Glendale History Room is here to help. Our collections include Glendale city directories from 1906-1977; historical photographs, maps and periodicals; local newspapers; and published books.
Finding aids for archival collections are on the Online Archive of California.
The Glendale History Room is currently open by appointment only. Please contact us at or 818-548-2037 for more information.
The Interior Rules of Behavior are designed to: ensure the safety and respect of all people, maintain and protect Library property, and encourage patrons to use the Library for the purpose for which it was designed. The City of Glendale welcomes everyone to use Library facilities and resources for learning, reading, writing, studying, thinking, quiet contemplation, cultural and community activities, and obtaining information.
A patron whose activity, conduct, or behavior is incompatible and inconsistent with the Library’s proper use or safe operation will be required to leave the Library facility and grounds. Subsequent infractions may result in a 30-day, 90-day, and/or 1-year ban from all Glendale Library, Arts & Culture branches.
The following conduct, behavior, and acts are prohibited:
Level 1 Offense
Loud, boisterous, disruptive, or unsafe behavior that:
Disturbs, or can be reasonably expected to disturb, other patrons;
Interferes with or hinders patrons’ or Library staff’s safety, use, comfort, or quiet and peaceful enjoyment of the Library; or
Interferes with or hinders Library staff’s performance of their duties, or the operations of the Library.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
Talking loudly, talking to another person, or talking in a monologue.
Singing, or playing a musical instrument, or both, except as part of an event or program authorized by the Library Administration.
Engaging Library staff in a conversation, unrelated to Library business or Library operations, which continues for 5 minutes or longer.
Operating or using a cell phone, audio equipment, headphones, personal electronic or entertainment equipment, or another device at a volume that other patrons can hear.
Running, climbing, pushing, shoving, or wrestling.
Throwing an object.
Discarding trash or debris in a place other than in a trash receptacle.
Consuming food, or an open beverage, or both. A non-alcoholic beverage in a covered container and small snack food may be consumed in the Library, except in a designated zone, with a posted sign, where food and beverage is prohibited.
Sleeping in excess of thirty (30) minutes.
Lying on the floor or furniture.
Placing feet on a table, chair, or against a wall.
“Overcrowding” in a seating area.
Bringing an animal into the Library building, except a service animal to aid a person with a disability or an animal for a Library-sponsored program.
Leaving or storing “excessive baggage” in the Library building.
Leaving a personal belonging (such as a bag, backpack, suitcase, box, or package) unattended― or storing it― in the Library building.
Preventing, impeding, or obstructing another patron or Library staff from entering or exiting the Library, or using Library material, equipment, or facilities.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
Placing one or more personal belongings on a seat, carrel, or table not being used by the owner.
Reserving one or more carrels or tables.
Hiding or misfiling reading material.
Blocking a passageway, aisle, room, entrance, or exit.
Rearranging and moving furniture to a different part of the Library.
Using one or more electrical outlets in a way that creates a tripping hazard. Use of electrical outlets is restricted to Library-owned equipment and other patron-owned devices for the purpose of learning, reading, writing, studying, thinking, listening, viewing, and obtaining information.
Using recreational equipment, such as a roller blade, in-line skate, bicycle, scooter, wagon, or skateboard.
Entering the Library or remaining in the facility without wearing outer clothing, including:
A shirt or other covering of the upper body;
Pants, shorts, skirt or other covering of the lower body; and
Shoes or other footwear.
Selling or offering to sell a product, service, or merchandise, or any combination of those acts, except at a Library sponsored event.
Distributing material, taking a survey, or gathering signatures for a petition in violation of Library Policy 3-A-10, “Distribution of Flyers by Public,” or any successor policy.
Leaving a minor under the age of nine (9) years unattended at any time during a Library visit.
Filming or photographing without a City of Glendale permit or permission of the Library Administration.
Violating a Library rule, policy, or procedure regarding the use of the Library’s computers or the internet.
Refusing or failing to follow the reasonable direction of Library staff.
Level 2 Offense
Behavior directed at another person, group, or Library staff that a reasonable Library user or a reasonable Library staff member would find to be harassing, annoying, threatening, or disrupting.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
Staring at another person.
Following another person about the building.
Yelling at a patron or staff.
Eavesdropping on another person or invading that person’s privacy.
“Smoking” anywhere on the premises.
Misusing a restroom, including using it for laundering, bathing, shaving, or hair cutting or shampooing.
Using Children’s Room furniture or a Children’s Room bathroom by an adult who is not related to or supervising a child or children in the room.
Soliciting, asking, or begging in an aggressive manner.
Having bodily hygiene or emanating bodily odor that is so offensive as to constitute a nuisance to other patrons, or Library staff, or both.
Level 3 Offense
Being in a state of intoxication or under the influence of: an alcoholic beverage, illegal drug, controlled substance, or another substance.
Knowingly entering a non-public area of the premises.
Level 4 Offense
Throwing an object at another patron or Library staff.
Committing, or threatening to commit, an assault, battery, physical harm, or bodily injury against an individual or group of individuals.
Possessing, carrying, displaying, or using a weapon, firearm, or ammunition, except as allowed by law.
Selling, distributing, using, or possessing an illegal drug or controlled substance.
Selling, distributing, consuming, or possessing an alcoholic beverage, except as part of an event or program authorized by the Library Administration.
Committing theft of Library material, equipment, or property.
Destroying, damaging, defacing, or misusing Library material, equipment, furniture, facilities, or property.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
Writing in, highlighting, or annotating Library material.
Defacing, cutting, tearing, and removing one or more pages, or parts of pages, from Library material.
Misusing, altering, or tampering with Library technological hardware, or software, or both.
Carving an initial, word, symbol, or picture into a surface or furniture covering.
Applying graffiti.
Stuffing or clogging a toilet, sink, or pipe.
Possessing, igniting, or using a substance, material, or device that is hazardous, combustible, flammable, or explosive.
Engaging in:
Voyeurism; or
Physical, sexual, or verbal abuse of another patron or Library staff.
Loitering by an adult to engage anyone under eighteen (18) years of age in unlawful or illegal conduct.
Depositing, by means of urination or defecation, “human waste material” in any area of the Library other than in a toilet or other receptacle designed for such waste.
Committing, or attempting to commit, an act that constitutes a misdemeanor or felony under federal, state, or local law.
The Exterior Rules of Behavior are designed to: ensure the safety and respect of all people, ensure the ground’s maintenance, protect Library property, and create an environment that encourages use of the property for the purpose for which it was designed.
The City of Glendale welcomes everyone to use the grounds surrounding the libraries. A patron whose activity, conduct, or behavior is incompatible and inconsistent with the Library’s proper use or safe operation will be required to leave the Library facility and grounds.
The following conduct, behavior, and acts are prohibited:
Level 1 Offense
a. Loud, boisterous, disruptive, or unsafe behavior that:
(1) Disturbs, or can be reasonably expected to disturb, other patrons;
(2) Interferes with or hinders patrons’ or Library staff’s safety, use, comfort, or quiet and peaceful enjoyment of Library grounds; or
(3) Interferes with or hinders Library staff’s performance of their duties, or the operations of the Library. Examples include, but are not limited to:
(A) Obstructing an entrance, exit, ` passageway, or an access point to the Library.
(B) Preventing or impeding another patron or Library staff from entering, exiting, or using Library grounds.
(C) Running, climbing, pushing, shoving, or wrestling.
(D) Throwing an object.
(E) Discarding trash or debris in a place other than in a trash receptacle.
b. Locking or securing a bicycle to a tree or trash receptacle on Library grounds.
c. Bringing an animal onto Library grounds, except a dog on a leash or except a service animal to aid a person with a disability or an animal for a Library-sponsored program.
d. Failing to remove and properly dispose of dog defecation from Library grounds.
e. Leaving a personal belonging (such as a sleeping bag, bedroll, mat or blanket, luggage, camping or outdoors backpack, trash bag, container, box, package, or shopping cart) unattended or storing it on Library grounds, or within 20 feet of an entrance, exit, or door to the Library facility.
f. Nighttime camping.
g. Using recreational equipment, such as a roller blade, in-line skate, bicycle, scooter, wagon, or skateboard.
h. Selling or offering to sell a product, service, or merchandise, or any combination of those acts, except at a Library sponsored event.
i. Distributing material, taking a survey, or gathering signatures for a petition in violation of Library Policy 3-A-10, “Distribution of Flyers by Public,” or any successor policy.
j. Leaving a minor under the age of nine (9) years unattended at any time during a Library visit.
k. Filming or photographing without a City of Glendale permit or permission of the Library Administration.
l. Violating a Library rule, policy, or procedure regarding the use of the Library’s computers or the internet.
m. Refusing or failing to follow the reasonable direction of Library staff.
Level 2 Offense
a. Behavior directed at another person, group, or Library staff that a reasonable Library user or a reasonable Library staff member would find to be harassing, annoying, threatening, or disrupting.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
(1) Staring at another person.
(2) Following another person about the Library grounds.
(3) Yelling at a patron or staff.
(4) Eavesdropping on another person or invading that person’s privacy.
b. “Smoking” anywhere on the Library grounds.
c. Soliciting, asking, or begging in an aggressive manner.
d. Loitering.
e. Having bodily hygiene or emanating bodily odor that is so offensive as to constitute a nuisance to other patrons, or Library staff, or both.
Level 3 Offense
a. Being in a state of intoxication or under the influence of: an alcoholic beverage, illegal drug, controlled substance, or another substance.
b. Knowingly entering a non-public area of the premises.
Level 4 Offense
a. Throwing an object at another patron or Library staff.
b. Committing, or threatening to commit, an assault, battery, physical harm, or bodily injury against an individual or group of individuals.
c. Possessing, carrying, displaying, or using a weapon, firearm, or ammunition, except as allowed by law.
d. Selling, distributing, using, or possessing an illegal drug or controlled substance.
e. Selling, distributing, consuming, or possessing an alcoholic beverage, except as part of an event or program authorized by the Library Administration.
f. Committing theft of Library material, equipment, or property.
g. Destroying, damaging, defacing, or misusing Library facilities or property.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
(1) Carving an initial, word, symbol, or picture into a surface.
(2) Applying graffiti.
h. Gambling.
i. Possessing, igniting, or using a substance, material, or device that is hazardous, combustible, flammable, or explosive.
j. Engaging in:
(1) Exhibitionism;
(2) Voyeurism; or
(3) Physical, sexual, or verbal abuse of another patron or Library staff.
k. Loitering by an adult to engage anyone under eighteen (18) years of age in unlawful or illegal conduct.
l. Trespassing.
m. Depositing, by means of urination or defecation, “human waste material” in any area of the Library other than in a toilet or other receptacle designed for such waste.
n. Committing, or attempting to commit, an act that constitutes a misdemeanor or felony under federal, state, or local law.