Raffi Joe Wartanian is the City of Glendale’s first Poet Laureate. The mission of the Glendale Poet Laureate program is to promote the art of poetry in Jewel City. Through community workshops, public readings, and other initiatives, the Poet Laureate utilizes the art of writing to serve as an ambassador to represent, engage, and nurture Glendale’s rich culture and diversity.  

  • Raffi Joe Wartanian was selected as Glendale’s first Poet Laureate in recognition of his accomplishments in poetry and his vision for the “Glendale Poet Laureate as someone who can utilize writing to promote self-expression, find common ground across communities, and foster solidarity that celebrates diversity while embracing individuality.” His poems have appeared in The Los Angeles Press, No Dear Magazine, h-pem, Ararat Magazine, Armenian Poetry Project, and The Armenian Weekly and performed live with the Asian American Writers’ Workshop and International Armenian Literary Alliance. His essays have appeared in The New York Times, Los Angeles Review of Books, University of Texas Press, Outside Magazine, Lapham’s Quarterly, The Baltimore Sun, Miami Herald, and elsewhere. Raffi currently teaches writing with UCLA Writing Programs, and his work has received grant and fellowship support from the Fulbright Program, Humanity in Action, and the Eurasia Partnership Foundation. In 2017, Raffi collaborated with Abril Books, the Lakota People’s Law Project, and In His Shoes to launch Days of Solidarity: Celebrating Armenian and Native American Survival, a multi-day performance and workshop that united Armenians and indigenous American tribes in Glendale. Raffi currently serves on the advisory board of the International Armenian Literary Alliance and advises the Tumanyan International Storytelling Festival.

Every Day

By Raffi Joe Wartanian

Every day

I paint you more

I play you more

I fix you more

Because I love you,

Mi Amor


Every day

You inspire me

And sometimes you disgust me

Because I know

Within you rests

This incomprehensible, beautiful you

For which I have toiled for years to extract

Only to scratch the surface


Every day

I play your melody

And search for harmony

I find a way

To (try to) add beauty to you

And come closer

To your purest, simplest



But there are days

Of thankless toil

And utter devotion

Peering through bleary eyes

Fending off exquisite dreams

Only to be met by resistance

Devastating resistance


Until I return to you

Seconds, Hours, or Days


Seconds, Hours, or Days

And I am wooed again

By your enchantment


More Poems by Raffi Joe Wartanian

  • A Theory of Time

    by Raffi Joe Wartanian

    I have a theory

    That time is



    Sun and moon

    Seasons spinning

    Leaves browning

    Push and pull of waves shoring

    Clock hands circling


    Time is not linear

    Though time lines help us

    Situate ourselves

    Inside infinity

    Within cycles of

    Progress before our births

    Progressing after our deaths


    I cannot put a circle inside of a line

    But a line can lay

    In the loving embrace

    Of a circle

  • Doughy, warm, soft, flavorful metal

    The scent of an elevator

    The unexpected invitation

    To an aromatic steel coffin

    Approximating time travel

    An oven where I enter and rise

    Or fall

    Arriving somewhere different from where I started

    New location

    Time morphs

    Transformation everlasting

    Even if I’ve gone nowhere

    Even if the elevator has stopped

    Even if I’m stuck

    I’m stuck in the transformation

    That I may or may not be ready

    To accept

    The aroma of transcendence

    In Baltimore at the hospital where Baba worked

    In Beirut where we entered with visions of severed limbs

    In the parking structure

    a seemingly meaningless ritual

    the worker transmuted by a capsule of memory

    laced with the perfumes of possibility

    Previously published in 2023 by The Los Angeles Press

  • Love is a Jewel 

    by Raffi Joe Wartanian 

    June 2023 


    Love is a jewel 

    Sappho’s ruby red rhinestone  

    Emerald of elegance  

    Encompassing countless forms 


    Love is the jewel that is  

    Straight, curved, crooked, supple 

    She is not uniform 

    She is not cruel 


    The jewel love, however, that bedazzled rainbow, 

    She might be twisted  

    By false prophets pedaling distortions  

    Their moral panic mimicking moral dissent   

    Hate speech dressed in free speech  

    Theocracy presenting as democracy   

    Outside agitators disguised as caring comrades 

    White privilege appropriating minority struggle  

    As in erasure festooned with righteousness  


    I love seeing through the disguise  

    For doing so reminds me  

    That knowledge is power 

    Power is love  

    And love is a jewel 

    Inside of us all

  • Mama’s Dream

    by Raffi Joe Wartanian

    Lutherville, MD // 2010

    My mother told my grandmother and me

    About a dream she had

    Last night.

    Her deceased father


    And said,

    “Have you forgotten me?”

    “No, I didn’t,”

    My mother protested,

    In her dream. 

    My mother is silent.

    “What happened next,” I ask.

    “That’s it,” she says with a shrug. 

    Then my grandmother inquires, “Did he ask about me?”

    Originally published in 2011 by Ararat Magazine


Would you like to submit your poetry to be included in a publication of Glendale’s Poems? Are you a poet, storyteller, musician, dancer, filmmaker, visual artist, and/or organization seeking to collaborate around programming?

For Poetry Submissions (deadline April 4, 2025):
Email a Word Doc or a PDF file to retain formatting of your poem to

For collaboration ideas:

Email Poet Laureate your collaboration and programming ideas at


Join us for the next installment of our workshop-reading series on Saturday, March 29, 2025 from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM with California Poet Laureate Lee Herrick, Musical Guest Paul Sprawl, led by Glendale’s Poet Laureate Raffi Joe Wartanian.