Armenian History Month
April 2024
Paying tribute to the local Armenian community in a celebration of history and culture.
Please join us in celebration of Armenian Culture, History and Heritage during a joyous community event at the Pacific Park Community Center located at 501 S. Pacific Avenue in Glendale, CA on Saturday, April 13th from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Armat is the word for “root” in Armenian language. Armat: Armenian History Celebration represents the shared roots of Armenian Heritage in Glendale. GLAC chose the pomegranate tree graphic to honor our connectedness with branches representing the people of the Armenian Diaspora in our community, growing together from the shared roots.
SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1:00 – 4:00 PM
Join us as Library staff share stories and songs in Armenian. Perfect for families and little ones up to age 8
WELCOME WORDS - 1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
Welcome, Celebrate & Enjoy with Armat: Armenian History Celebration, part of our Be The Change Series of special events, hosted year-round at our libraries. We hope you join us in experiencing Armenian Art, Music, Food & Culture through our featured programs and activities on this special day!
Listen & Connect with Glendale Poet Laureate Raffi Joe Wartanian as he presents his original poetry in both English and Armenian languages.
Discover & Learn Armenian food with author and Chef Ara Zada
Watch, Listen, Dance & Sing with Lernazang Ensemble’s musicians, singers, and dancers, as they present a suite of songs and dances that uphold the memory of the lost homeland of Western Armenia, the land that their ancestors were forcefully exiled from. Lernazang will share the origins of these songs and dances, and their incredible cultural significance for us today.
Արմատ. Հայոց պատմության տոն
Ապրիլի 13-ին, ժամը՝ 13:00 – 16:00
Pacific Park համայնքային կենտրոն
501 S. Pacific Avenue, Glendale, CA
Խնդրում ենք միանալ մեզ՝ տոնելու հայկական մշակույթը, պատմությունը և ժառանգությունը՝ համայնքային ուրախ միջոցառման ժամանակ՝ Pacific Park համայնքային կենտրոնում, որը գտնվում է 501 S. Pacific Avenue, Glendale, CA հասցեում՝ շաբաթ օրը, ապրիլի 13-ին, ժամը 13:00-ից 16:00: «Արմատը» հայերեն բառ է։ «Արմատ. հայոց պատմության տոնը» ներկայացնում է հայկական ժառանգության ընդհանուր արմատները Գլենդելում: GLAC-ն ընտրել է նռան ծառի պատկերը՝ հարգելու մեր կապը մեր համայնքում հայկական սփյուռքի ժողովրդին ներկայացնող ճյուղերի հետ, որոնք միասին աճում են ընդհանուր արմատներից:
Ծրագրի ժամանակացույց
Հայկական պատմության ժամ երեխաների համար՝ 13:15 – 13:45
Միացե՛ք մեզ՝ լսելու գրադարանի աշխատակիցների հայերենով պատմությունները և երգերը։ Կատարյալ է ընտանիքների և մինչև 8 տարեկան փոքրիկների համար:
Ողջույնի խոսքեր՝ 13:45 – 14:00
Բարի՛ գալուստ։ Տոնեք և վայելեք GLAC-ի հայոց պատմության միամսյակի տոնակատարությունը, որը մեր «Դարձի՛ր փոփոխությունը» հատուկ միջոցառումների շարքի մի մասն է, որը կազմակերպվում է շուրջ տարի մեր գրադարաններում: Հուսով ենք, որ կմիանաք մեզ՝ այս կարևոր օրը զգալու հայկական արվեստը, երաժշտությունը, սնունդը և մշակույթը՝ մեր յուրօրինակ ծրագրերի և միջոցառումների միջոցով:
Գլենդելի դափնեկիր բանաստեղծ Րաֆֆի Ջո Վարդանյան՝ 14:00 – 14:15:
Լսեք և միացեք Գլենդելի դափնեկիր բանաստեղծ Րաֆֆի Ջո Վարդանյանին, երբ նա կներկայացնի իր բնօրինակ պոեզիան՝ անգլերեն և հայերեն լեզուներով:
Շեֆ-խոհարար Արա Զադա՝ 14:30 – 15:00
Բացահայտեք և համտեսեք հայկական ուտեստները՝ «Լավաշ» և «Արցախ» խոհարարական գրքերի հեղինակ, շեֆ-խոհարար Արա Զադայի հետ:
«Լեռնազանգ» համույթ` 15:00 – 15:45
Դիտեք, լսեք, պարեք և երգեք «Լեռնազանգ» համույթի երաժիշտների, երգիչների և պարողների հետ: «Լեռնազանգ» համույթը շահույթ չհետապնդող մշակութային և կատարողական համույթ է, որի առաքելությունն է ապագաղութացնել հայկական պարն ու երաժշտությունը Լոս Անջելեսում: Ժողովրդական վարպետ երաժիշտների մասնակցությամբ անսամբլը կներկայացնի մի շարք երգեր ու պարեր, որոնք բարձր են պահում կորուսյալ հայրենիքի` Արևմտյան Հայաստանի և Արցախի հիշատակը, այն տարածքները, որտեղից հայերը բռնի արտագաղթել են անցյալում և ներկայում։ «Լեռնազանգը» կկիսվի այս երգերի ու պարերի ծագումնաբանության և այսօր մեզ համար նրանց ունեցած անհավատալի մշակութային նշանակության մասին:
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Create a collage on cardstock using printed photos of cultural Armenian imagery such as old photographs showing people and traditions, historical monuments, manuscripts, textiles, and nature. This activity explores ancestry & memory, inspired by the work of Armenian filmmaker & artist Sergei Parajanov, who would be 100 this year.
Make a beaded bracelet with the colors of the Armenian Flag! While supplies last.
Make a wish and add it to our pomegranate wishing trees!
Enjoy delicious Nazook pastries and Armenian coffee from Urartu Coffee at 119 N Artsakh Ave, Glendale, CA.
Available while supplies last.
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Raffi Joe Wartanian is the City of Glendale’s first Poet Laureate. The mission of the Glendale Poet Laureate program is to promote the art of poetry in Jewel City. Through community workshops, public readings, and other initiatives, the Poet Laureate utilizes the art of writing to serve as an ambassador to represent, engage, and nurture Glendale’s rich culture and diversity.
Experience Lernazang Ensemble’s musicians, singers, and dancers, including master folk singer Hasmik Harutunyan, as they present a suite of songs and dances that uphold the memory of the lost homeland of Western Armenia, the land that their ancestors were forcefully exiled from. Lernazang will share the origins of these songs and dances, and their incredible cultural significance for us today.
Ara Is a Chef, Author, TV Personality and Content Creator. Born and raised in Los Angeles Ara spent most of his younger years skateboarding and snowboarding though he always had his heart in the kitchen. He attended culinary school at Le Cordon Bleu and built a career as a Chef diving into many ethnic cultures. He has been featured on PBS No Passport Required , Discovery Channel Recipe Lost & Found and on Fox Good Day LA. He has also worked with Jaime Oliver Food Revolution, Food Network, ABC, CBS, NBC, Breville, Gelson’s and a range of others. He is a Father of four, bow hunter, triathlete and fills any available time he has training parkour . His First Cookbook “Lavash” was released in 2019.
Today, the AYF continues to be the leading youth organization within the Armenian community. It remains committed to its initial mission of advancing the goals of a free, independent, and united Armenia; developing the moral, social and intellectual capacity of the Armenian youth; and operating under its five durable pillars: social, athletic, cultural, political and educational.
The American Armenian Artists Association is a newly formed California nonprofit organization that works to gather all the Armenian artists who reside in southern California under one roof to promote the Armenian culture, art, and heritage, working with art, paintings, and music which are the universal languages that everyone can understand without interpretation. The AAAA is an independent nonprofit that works closely with the Glendale Chapter of the Armenian Cultural Foundation.
Specializing in Armenian books, music, videos, cards, posters, and gifts. Abril books has served Glendale for 43 years as the number one source for Armenian books and merchandise in the Diaspora. In addition to books, they offer publishing and printing services.
Since 1998, GALAS has been the leading voice in advancing equality for LGBTQ+ Armenians worldwide. GALAS was formed in Los Angeles by a group of LGBTQ+ Armenians who were looking for friendship, support, and a sense of belonging within the community.
Drop by the Glendale Community College resource table to get general information about GCC as well as unique services and programs offered at the college. Some of these include services for former foster youth, Latinx/Latiné, Black/African American, undocumented, formerly incarcerated, and LGBTQIA+ student communities, among others. Find out how we celebrate these and other communities of students on our campus.
Located in Glendale CA, The mission of the Armenian American Museum and Cultural Center of California is to promote understanding and appreciation of America’s ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Armenian American experience.
The vision is a cultural campus that enriches the community, educates the public on the Armenian American story, and empowers individuals to embrace cultural diversity and speak out against prejudice. Anticipated opening in 2025.
ARMUNITY helps individuals and families in the Armenian community of Los Angeles find and receive quality mental health care. Made possible through a grant from the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, Armunity is developing integrated community healthcare to better serve Armenians in Glendale and surrounding areas.
The Armenian General Athletic Union and Scouts, referred to as Homenetmen, is a non-profit organization founded in 1918. As a strong believer in the strong mind in a strong body concept, Homenetmen provides the Armenian American youth with moral, physical, and social education. In addition, it exposes the youth to the wealth of the Armenian culture and heritage, preparing outstanding and law-abiding Armenian American Citizens.
Doodles without Borders is a local arts organizing project in Glendale and LA's Skid Row neighborhood with an Armenian touch. We believe that equitable access to arts, cultural, and social spaces is a fundamental human right and collective responsibility, along with housing, healthcare, food, and education. We make collaborative artwork that aims to strengthen infrastructures of care and caretaking en route to collective liberation, one community arts hour at a time.
Nelli Astvatsatrian is an Armenian-American textile artist and educator based in Los Angeles. Her multi-media work explores how memory manifests within objects and can be used as a weapon against erasure + revision of cultural history. Through printmaking, airbrush, photo transfer and found object assemblage on quilts, Astvatsartian materializes trans-generational narratives. Nelli holds a BA in Art Practice and Rhetoric from the University of California, Berkeley and has taught figure drawing at Richmond Art Center, Tilden Preparatory School, TUMO Studios and Kala Art Institute. @nellidraws
Armenian Film Society is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to shining a spotlight on Armenian films and filmmakers. Founded in 2015 by husband and wife Armen and Mary Karaoghlanian, Armenian Film Society has held events around the world with guests such as Atom Eogyan, Mardik Martin, Sev Ohanian, and more.
The USC Institute of Armenian Studies advances research and collaboration that examines the social, cultural, educational, and political challenges facing Armenia, Karabakh, and the Armenian communities in the Diaspora.
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Armenian Pendant Art
Library Connection @ Adams Square | Monday, April 8, 3-6 pm
Pacific Park Library | Tuesday, April 9, 2-5 pm
Pacific Park Library | Tuesday, April 9, 5-6 pm (For Adults)
Make a beaded bracelet with the colors of the Armenian Flag!
Art Talk Tuesday with Ara Oshagan
Tuesday, April 30, 7:00-8:00 PM
Brand Library & Art Center
Vlume - eBooks and eAudiobooks in Armenian. էլեկտրոնային գրքեր ե ձայնագրքեր հայերենով. Visit their website to access Vlume’s collections or download the app from the Google Play store or the Apple App Store. View a Tutorial.
Aravot - Find up-to-the-minute news articles through Armenian-language newspaper Aravot/Առավոտ, which is free to access with your Glendale Library, Arts & Culture library card through PressReader.
Search in the Library Catalog Using Armenian Transliteration - Library staff have created this tutorial to help you search Armenian authors, titles, and subjects in the Library’s catalog.
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The Armenian Relief Society (ARS) in Glendale is an independent, non-governmental and non-sectarian organization which serves the humanitarian needs of the Armenian people and seeks to preserve the cultural identity of the Armenian nation.
The Armenian American Museum in Glendale will be the first world class cultural and educational center of its kind in America.
Gay and Lesbian Armenian Society fosters a safe and supportive network for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people of Armenian descent.
Homenetmen Western Region, short for Հայ Մարմնակրթական Ընդհանուր Միութիւն, (Armenian General Athletic Union) is a pan-Armenian diaspora organization devoted to sport and scouting.
The USC Institute of Armenian Studies is an educational center dedicated to the study of modern Armenia, based at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Explore podcasts from the Institute Studio.
IWitness is an educational website developed by USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education that provides access to more than 1,500 full life histories, testimonies of survivors and witnesses to the Holocaust and other genocides for guided exploration.
The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) is the world’s largest non-profit organization devoted to upholding the Armenian heritage through educational, cultural and humanitarian programs.
The Armenian Bar Association, formed in 1989, the Armenian Bar Association provides an arena for lawyers of Armenian heritage to come together socially and professionally and to address the legal concerns of the Armenian community.
The Armenian Museum presents the largest and most diverse collection of Armenian objects outside of the Republic of Armenia. Our updated galleries include ancient Urartian artifacts, medieval manuscripts, Kütahya ceramics, textiles, liturgical objects, and contemporary art.
Ararat-Eskijian Museum houses items that represent Armenian heritage from the 17th century till present day and highlight the life, culture and customs of Armenians from their indigenous homeland and across the globe.
Project SAVE Armenian Photograph Archives is dedicated to saving the photographic heritage of the worldwide Armenian community by making their repository of original photographs, from as early as 1860, accessible for research, publications and presentations.
The Armenian Studies Program at Fresno State University offers courses on Armenian history, Armenian language and literature, art and architecture, film, William Saroyan, the Genocide, and contemporary issues.
The Armenian Film Foundation was established in 1979 as a non-profit, educational and cultural organization dedicated to the documentation and preservation of Armenian heritage in multi-media formats. A primary focus of the Foundation has been the interviews of survivors of and witnesses to the Armenian Genocide.
Arpa Foundation for Film, Music and Art is a non-profit organization, formed for the purpose of promoting the arts and enhancing the cultural environment of our community by supporting artists who bridge the cultural divide, unifying diverse people and cultures through the arts.
Nayiri - online Armenian dictionary
Project Save - Armenian Photograph Archive
Houshamadyan - a project to reconstruct Ottoman Armenian town and village life
UCLA Armenian Studies - Library Resources
UCLA Library Digital Collections - Soviet Armenian Posters
UCLA Library Digital Collections - Armenian Manuscripts Collection
UC Berkeley Armenian Studies -Collections and Resources
Getty - Museum Collection - Armenian
Library of Congress - Armenian Rarities Collection
Library of Congress - Armenian collections
The Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute - Photo Collection of Armenian Genocide
Armenian Scriptoria -Interactive map of Armenian scriptoria, monasteries, churches, manuscripts
ARAM - Association for the Research and the Archiving of the Armenian Memory
Armenian Museum of America - Sound Archives
Armenian Museum of America - Treasures from the Museum collection
Armenian Museum of America - Armenian Recipes
American University of Armenia - Digital Library of Armenian Literature
Society for Armenian Studies - Digital Resources
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