Teen G.E.N. Talks Podcast Season 3 is Here!

Teen G.E.N. Talks (Teen Glendale Empowerment Now) vodcast is now a podcast! That’s right. Listen to new episodes and favorite episodes on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Teen G.E.N. Talks is co-hosted by Montrose Library staff, Desiree and Melissa. This season they sit down to talk with Cristina Escobar from Latina Media Company to discuss uplifting Latinas and gender non-conforming Latinx perspectives in media. They also explore topics like global warming (with teen environmentalist activist, Lilia), and much more. 

The series continues to provide career information for teenagers by asking everyday people about their  work experiences and paths to success. It also introduces teens to local organizations and helps them explore ways to help their local communities through volunteering. 

Stream the podcast now for free on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. To view the video recordings of the podcast watch Teen G.E.N. Talks on the Glendale Library, Arts & Culture YouTube channel

This program is for teens interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities at Glendale Libraries, teens interested in podcast production, or for those who simply want to have their voices heard. Visit https://www.glendaleca.gov/government/departments/library-arts-culture/services/library-teen-g-e-n-talks-behind-the-scenes-community-service-opportunities to learn more about how to join the Teen G.E.N. Talks podcast team to earn community service credit.


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