Glendale Libraries provides virtual homework and tutoring services at home.
The best homework help for students K-12 is on Homework Help Now!
Musician and Librarian Laurel Diskin Prepares to Lead an Upcoming Recorder Workshop at the Grandview Library
Fresh from her trip to Ireland, Laurel is excited to bring the recorder workshop back, this time in person. The workshop will be offered three times over the next three months.
New program provides rental subsidies and employment assistance
City of Glendale introduces a new program called LIFERAP Program- Low Income Family Employment and Rental Assistance Program in partnership with Verdugo Workforce Development Board and Glendale Youth Alliance! The purpose of the program is to provide rental subsidies and employment assistance to low income, working families for a 12-month period to improve their quality of life.
Mejore su lectura, escritura y expression oral en inglés (Improve your English reading, writing and speaking skills)
Mejore su lectura, escritura y expression oral en inglés en las bibliotecas de Glendale

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