The 1000 Year Old Boy

The 1000 Year Old Boy.jpg

This Week’s Book Snippet:

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live forever? Well, Alfie Monk can tell you. He may seem like an ordinary eleven-year-old boy, but he's actually more than a thousand years old--and remembers the last Viking invasion of England, not to mention the French Revolution and both World Wars. Way back in the tenth century, he and his mother were given the alchemical secret to eternal life. But when everything Alfie knows is destroyed in a fire, and the modern world intrudes, he must embark on a mission--along with friends Aidan and Roxy--to find a way to reverse the process and grow up like a regular boy.

Listen to Katie from the Glendale Library read from The 1000 Year Old Boy by Ross Welford.


Sarai y la feria alrededor del mundo

