Parent-Child Early Literacy Activities
Looking for ways keep your little one engaged at home? Try these simple and fun activities to help get your child ready to read.
Groove and Move: Sing and move to a song
Baby’s First Bookshelf: Create a special place for books within babies’ reach
See and Say: Point out pictures in a book
Monkey See, Monkey Do: Get silly with animal sounds
Nature Walk: Go to the park and talk about the colors you see
One Potato, Two Potato: Sing to your baby at feeding time
Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake: Play clapping or fingerplay games like ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider’ and ‘Pat a Cake’
Walk and Talk: Name and describe what you see along the way
Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes: Say and point to body parts
Silly Voices, Serious Fun: Read a book using funny voices
Dance Party: Listen and dance to music
E-I-E-I-O: Sing ‘Old MacDonald Had a Farm’
Follow the Leader: Read a book side by side (‘my book’ and ‘your book’)
I Spy: Find letters and other symbols
My Favorite: Write a list of your toddlers favorite things
Family Portrait: Draw simple figures and write the names of people in your family
Tune Up: Learn a new nursery rhyme to share with your toddler
Walk and Talk: Name and describe what you see along the way
Rhyme and Ride: Sing a Storytime song in the car
The Big Picture: Read a book and talk about the picture on the cover
Toy Story: Make up a story about your toddler’s favorite toy
Show and Tell: Draw shapes and letters with crayons
Snuggle Spot: Make a reading fort with blankets and cushions
Old Favorite, New Twist: Play ‘Say it loud, say it soft, say it fast, say it slow’ with new words
Silly Noises, Serious Fun: Make silly sounds
A, B, C, Wheee!: Sing the alphabet in rhythm while pushing your toddler on the swings
Easy as 1, 2, 3: Count stairs as you go up or down
Show and Retell: Read a new book and ask your preschooler to retell the story using the pictures on each page
Once Upon a Time: Tell a family story
I Spy: Look for symbols, letters and words on signs while driving
Rhyme After Me: Play ‘Follow the leader’ rhymes: “I say hat; you say (cat).” Made up words are great!
Who Made This?: Talk about the author and illustrator names for a favorite picture book
Cups, Teaspoons, and Dishes: Follow a written recipe together
Sincerely…: Draw and write a letter to someone
Art Inspiration: Draw a picture with your preschooler. Listen to music while you draw.
Tune Up: Memorize a new nursery rhyme or poem together
Sorting Hat: Give your child a bag to fill with items in a category (a color; a texture; used for bedtime, etc…)
Kitchen Band: Make a pots and pans band
Fun Fact, Paddywhack: Read an information book and write a fact your preschooler remembers and have them draw a picture
Explore: Read a new book in a new place
Puzzled: Do a floor puzzle with your preschooler
Let’s Listen: Listen to an audiobook together
Fresh Air: Play outside together
Ready to Write: Make your preschooler a writing kit with papers and writing tools in a portable container
With a 1, 2, 3: Singa Storytime song to a favorite stuffed animal or figure
Stroll for the Senses: Go for a walk and discover 5 new words to describe what you see, hear, and smell
Cast Your Vote: Have your preschooler vote ‘Good’, ‘Better’, ‘Best’ on items in a category (songs; hats; fruit, etc…)