Día de Muertos Booklist
El Día de los Muertos [videorecording] : una tradición que sigue viva
Una producción de Anima Films para el History Channel Latinoamérica
Un viaje hacia una de las fiestas populares que mejor representan el espíritu del México mestizo. El día de los muertos, cada 2 de noviembre miles de mexicanos se movilizan para recordar a sus muertos, en una festividad que fue construida a partir de la supervivencia de tradiciones prehispánicas que debieron disfrazarse de cultos cristianos para poder ser aceptadas.
Craft in America. Borders & neighbors
Produced and directed by Rosey Guthrie
Two episodes of the television series Craft in America exploring the connections between Mexico and the United States through craft. "Borders" features: Ofelia Esparza, altar maker, who discusses the meaning and history of Mexico's Day of the Dead celebration; master weaver Isaac Vásquez Garci of Teotitlán de Valle Mexico; American weaver Jim Bassler and potter Veralee Bassler; the Guelaguetz parade in Los Angeles; Chicago artist Kiff Slemmons, who works with maestro Francico Toledo at Taller Arte Papel in Oaxaca, Mexico. "Neighbors" features: California ceramic artist Gerardo Monterrubio; Mexican ceramic artists Magdalena Pedro Martínez and Carlomagno Pedro Martínez; glass artist Jaime Guerero; silver designers William Spratling, Carmen Tapia, Miguel Angel Ortiz Miranda, Cristina Romo, and Eduardo Herrera, and painter, muralist, community arts pioneer, and scholar Judy Baca.
Day of the dead, a passion for life : día de los muertos, pasión por la vida
Por Mary J. Andrade
Mary J. Andrade has been researching the tradition of Day of the Dead in Mexico for twenty-three years. This project that she ted in 1987 in Janitzio, Michoacan, has taken her to different states of Mexico to gather information and to photograph a tradition that originated during the pre-Hispanic era. In 2003, Day of the Dead in Mexico was declared as a “Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of of Humanity,” by UNESCO.
Mary J. Andrade ha dedicado más de 20 años a investigar la tradición del Día de los Muertos en México. Este proyecto que comenzó en 1987 en Janitzio, Michoacán, la ha llevado a diferentes estados de la República Mexicana para obtener información y fotografiar esta tradición que se originó durante la época prehispánica. En el año 2003, Día de los Muertos en México fue declarada “Obra Maestra del Patrimonio Intangible de la Humanidad”, por la UNESCO.
Día de Muertos en México. Oaxaca
Por Mary J. Andrade
In this second book of the series Through the Eyes of the Soul Day of the Dead in Mexico, the author presents over 95 color photographs and essays on the All Saints Day Altar and Biquies, tombs, artisan works, rituals, costumes, and favorite foods used to express the continued connection felt between living families and their deceased.
En este segundo libro de la serie A través de los Ojos del Alma Día de los Muertos en México, la autora presenta a través de 95 fotografías una relación de la forma cómo se honra la memoria a los fallecidos, a quienes se esperan en todos los hogares con las Ofrendas, Altares de Todos Santos Nuevo y Biquie' en los que se colocan los platillos que más le gustaban al ser querido que se recuerda.
A través de los ojos del alma : día de muertos en México, Michoacán = Through the eyes of the soul : Day of the Dead in Mexico, Michoacan
By Mary J. Andrade
Michoacan is one of a series of bilingual books, Through the eyes of the soul: Dia de lost Muertos in Mexico, so far consisting of three titles, dedicated to the celebration of this ancient festival in Mexico. Mary Andrade received the Latino Literary Hall of Fame award in 1999 in the areas of Travel and New Age Writing for her work as writer and photographer of this unique series. This book, as Oaxaca above, is lavishly illustrated with many color photos of the Day of the Dead, a holiday which has long been celebrated in Mexico and has recently become very popular in the U.S. Includes recipes dishes from Michoacán (pan de muerto, uchepos) traditionally prepared for the Day of the Dead. Mary Andrade is co-publisher and editor of La Ofertas Review, a bilingual newspaper published in San Jose, California.
The Latino holiday book : from Cinco de Mayo to Dia de los Muertos - the celebrations and traditions of Hispanic-Americans
By Valerie Menard
America's fastest-growing minority shares a variety of heritages from New World lands where Spain once dominated. In The Latino Holiday Book, Valerie Menard outlines the full year's festivals, not merely Navidad, that have a distinctively Latino origin or a uniquely Latino way of observing the day. Menard's quite serious purpose is to educate, not to plan parties. She outlines histories of days of special celebration for people of Mexican, Cuban, and Puerto Rican heritage. Only a few recipes appear in sidebars, but Menard devotes several pages to instructions on properly praying the rosary. The book is a useful reference for anyone seeking background information on this increasingly influential culture rapidly becoming mainstream.
Day of the Dead motifs : CD-ROM & book
Edited by Alan Weller
Created for use with the popular Photoshop and Photoshop Elements software programs, 130 large, finely detailed brushes and 40 custom shapes offer skulls, skeletons, and other images associated with a holiday that celebrates the human connection with the souls of the departed. Additional features include 20 texture brushes, 20 custom styles, an inspiring design gallery, and helpful tutorials.
Day of the Dead: The art and tradition behind this unique and joyous Mexican celebration
By Kitty Williams and Stevie Mack
The Day of the Dead Celebration is the most important holiday of the year in Mexico and parts of the American Southwest, a joyful time when families remember their dead. Day of the Dead provides a colorful look at the iconic folk art and family traditions that a vital role in the event, which happens across the country from October 31 through November 2.
Day of the Dead Folk Art
By Kitty Williams and Stevie Mack
The folk art inspired by Day of the Dead, celebrated in Mexico and around the world, including the American Southwest, powerfully communicates the cultural traditions of this joyous holiday. As a companion volume to the authors' Day of the Dead, this book focuses on the artistic imagery of Day of the Dead, including the skulls, skeletons, and the iconic figure of Catrina, as seen in various pieces of market art, community art and contemporary art. The work and influence of important Mexican folk artists, such as Jose Guadalupe Posada and Diego Rivera, are represented and discussed.
The Art of the Skull
By Mary Emmerling
From Day of the Dead to motorcycles and the “sickest headphones”—skulls rule! Laugh at Death over and over again through more than 250 fun, fabulous pictures of skulls in action—on the dance floor, in the parlor, zooming out of the garage, dangling from silver chains. These artist designed skulls range from heavy metal to granny-sweet dancing skeletons for wearing, decorating homes, scaring up shivers, and attracting a gawking crowd at every turn of the head.
El Día de los Muertos
By Heliodoro Lucatero
En este libro el autor nos ayudará a apreciar cómo las culturas hispanas ven la muerte como algo natural y una continuación de esta vida, y cómo sus familiares en ese otro lado siguen viviendo. Estas costumbres y prácticas populares para algunos a simple vista pudieran parecerles mórbidas y desligadas de la Iglesia; sin embargo, mirándolas más de cerca y comprendiendo sus raíces, se puede apreciar en ellas el respeto por la sacralidad de la vida así como un profundo entendimiento vivido de la comunión de los santos. Las aplicaciones pastorales que ofrece el libro serán de gran ayuda para las parroquias y para todos aquellos que buscan y aprecian las diferentes manifestaciones de Dios en cada pueblo y cultura.
Dia de los Muertos Mariachi Music
By Various Artists
Al Chile (Edición Especial)
By Lila Downs
Vicente Fernandez La Leyenda Viviente
By Vicente Fernández
XX Años (En Vivo)
By Panteón Rococó
A Selena Tribute
By Jennifer Lopez
Chavela Vargas La Llorona
By Chavela Vargas
Si Nos Dejan
By Varios Artistas
Juan Gabriel Con Banda... El Recodo
By Juan Gabriel
Mexico Madrid En Directo Y Sin Escalas
By Alejandro Fernández
Cómo Te Voy a Olvidar ¡Edición de Súper Lujo!
By Los Ángeles Azules
La Sonora Santanera en Su 60 Aniversario
By La Sonora Santanera
Mis 30 Mejores Canciones
By Sonia López & La Sonora Santanera
El Alma Musical De RCA
By Various Artists
Fabulosos Exitos
By Los Fabulosos Cadillacs
Los Tigres Del Norte At Folsom Prison (movie soundtrack)
By Los Tigres Del Norte
Los Dúo
By Don Alberto Aguilera Valadez