Glendale Storefront Art Program, Art on Orange!


Art on Orange - Storefront Art Program

Glendale’s Arts and Culture Commission is launching Art on Orange, a Storefront Art Program that will beautify a vacant unit on 250 N. Orange St. Please join us for the program’s Opening Reception on the evening of Friday, December 10 from 6:00pm – 8:00pm to see installations made by local artists Cathy Hrenda, Jennifer Swain, and Diane Williams in response to the theme of “Resiliency.” Their works repurpose found objects into art, address the adversity of marine life, and reinterpret meaningful cultural articles. 

Throughout the evening, community members will have the opportunity to speak with these talented artists, listen to music by musician Mark de Clive-Lowe, mingle, and enjoy desserts from Maggie’s Pastry.  Art on Orange will be on exhibit from December 10, 2021 to January 29, 2022. Gallery Hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00pm – 5:30pm when it is open to the public to view artwork at their leisure. Save the date for the Closing Reception on Saturday, January 29, 2022 from 7:00pm – 9:00pm. More details on this event will be announced soon. 

The Art on Orange Storefront Art Program is sponsored by the Glendale Arts and Culture Commission, through funding from the Urban Art Program with support from Glendale Library, Arts & Culture and Glendale Economic Development & Community Development. 

Visit this website for more information on the Storefront Art Program and to learn more about the participating artists.  To RSVP for the event, please click here


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